The Forest Achievement Guide: Trophy Hunter

The “Trophy Hunter” achievement requires players to kill and display 11 trophy heads in The Forest. Players can acquire trophy heads by skinning animals and picking up their heads. They can then place the heads as decorations by crafting the “head trophy” building.

It is important to note that while the achievement’s description refers to killing all animal types, players only need to kill 11 creatures and display 11 trophy heads.

Additionally, the displayed trophy heads for the achievements do not necessarily need to be from animals. Trophy heads from mutant babies, Virginias, Cowmen, and Armsies also count towards “Trophy Hunter”.

Mutant head

Below is the list of animals and mutants that provide trophy heads:

  1. Armsies
  2. Boars
  3. Cowmen
  4. Crocodiles
  5. Deers
  6. Geese
  7. Lizards
  8. Mutant babies
  9. Raccoons
  10. Rabbits
  11. Seagulls
  12. Sharks
  13. Squirrels
  14. Tortoises
  15. Virginias

There are 11 animal types and 4 mutants that provide head trophies. While killing most animals is easier than fighting mutants, players may have a hard time finding certain animals. Raccoons, boars, and crocodiles appear only in certain areas and conditions.

Raccoons rarely come out in the morning and are best hunted at night. Boars appear only in the northern part of the peninsula, near snowy areas. Crocodiles appear along the northern rivers and are extremely aggressive.

Furthermore, geese are easily found in Geese Lake. However, players cannot interact with animal bodies when they die underwater. This makes it difficult to acquire geese heads without shooting down a flying goose.

Best Trophies to Hunt

Armsy heads

Armies will start spawning in the forest around day 7. While they can be difficult to kill at the beginning, they are easy to find since they will attack player bases. Using a bow and some molotovs is a good way to deal with Armsies.

Armsy fight

Boar heads

Players can simply travel north near the snowy areas and stroll around to find a boar. Boars will attack the player but they easily die from one to two hits, even with the plane axe.

Crocodile heads

Players can find crocodiles in the northern river and near the Crocodile Hut Village. Players looking for boars in the northern areas can also look for crocodiles in the river. Note that they are highly aggressive. Killing them with bows is highly recommended.

Crocodile Village Map

Deer heads

Deers are abundant in the peninsula and easy to hunt with bows.

Lizard heads

Lizards appear almost everywhere in the peninsula.

Mutant baby heads

Mutant babies can appear in the forest around day 7 and are easy to kill. However, there is a high chance that a Virginia is accompanying them. Still, this gives players two head trophies.

Rabbit heads

Rabbits are found everywhere in the forest.

Seagull heads

Seagulls are abundant near the Yacht and are easy to kill.

Shark heads

There are shark carcasses near the Yacht which players can salvage and get shark heads.

Squirrel heads

Squirrels are common in the forest and are easy to kill.

Tortoise heads

Tortoises appear near water. The best place to find them is near the Yacht.

Virginia heads

Similar to Armsies, Virginia will appear above ground after day 7. Players can use the same method of killing Armsies to deal with Virginias.

Building Head Trophies

Head trophies only require 1 stick and a trophy head. Players can only build head trophies by attaching them to another building. The best places to attach them are inside bases as they act as decorations.

However, since players can only carry one trophy at a time and cannot use items while holding it, acquiring a trophy head far from base means a long and dangerous walk back.

Fortunately, players can build low-cost buildings on the spot where they can attach a head trophy. Players can build gardens, walls, and other buildings.

Note that most decorative buildings, such as wooden benches and side tables, do not allow players to attach a head trophy. Building a custom wall that requires one log is the best way to display head trophies on the spot.


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