Getting the Every Move You Make Achievement in Sons of the Forest

The “Every Move You Make” achievement requires players to give a GPS locator to Virginia. Players will unlock the option to give Virginia items once she starts to hang around the player and not run away.

Virginia and Kevin

Players must meet two requirements to unlock this achievement. One is acquiring a GPS locator and the other is getting Virginia to become a companion.

Acquiring GPS Locators

Players can acquire GPS locators by visiting areas that are marked as purple exclamation points on the map. These points of interest are the location of deceased agents carrying GPS locators. Players can find the locators near or in their bodies.

Currently, there are only three areas that spawn the GPS locators. The easiest to reach is either the dead agent hanging from a rope or the one in a lifeboat out in the ocean.

In the map below, the hanging agent is the right-most marked location while the agent in the lifeboat is the left-most location.

GPS locator map
Image from

Turning Virginia Into a Companion

Players will need to act friendly towards Virginia and gain her trust to turn her into a companion. Players should avoid hurting her to prevent her sentiment level from going down. Eventually, she will feel safe around the player and will accept items, such as the GPS locator.

To learn more about increasing Virginia’s sentiment level, players can read the Chivalry Is Not Dead achievement guide.

Getting the Achievement

Once Virginia can accept items, the player can hold E when facing Virginia to open their inventory. Press R or Q to go to the next set of items. Select the GPS locator which may show as a walkie-talkie outline.

The achievement will unlock once the GPS locator is on Virginia. Players will see this as a blue dot on her chest.

Virginia image 4

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