The Forest Achievement Guide: Bad Father

The “Bad Father” achievement requires players to survive 100 days in The Forest without finding Timmy. While “Bad Father’s” requirement is straightforward, it is the most time-consuming achievement in the game.

Days Survived 100

One in-game day is equal to 36 minutes in real life (24 minutes for the day and 12 minutes for nighttime). Therefore, 100 in-game days is equal to about 60 real-life hours. Since players can sleep once a day to skip time, they can get the achievement around the 40-hour mark.

It is important to note that the achievement will only pop if the “Days Survived” in the Stats tab of the Survival Book counts 100. This number will reset when the player dies, resetting the achievement counter.

Since “Bad Father” requires a lot of time, it is best to go for this achievement while attempting other achievements. Remember to avoid finding Timmy or doing any of the game’s endings. Explore the peninsula and get other achievements, such as Crafty, Get Closure, and Step Master.



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