Things to Expect in Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest will be coming out on February 23 as an Early Access game on Steam. Fans of the original game have been anticipating this release, turning Sons of the Forest into the most wishlisted game on the platform.

This new IP will introduce major improvements to the original game and take players back to the dangerous and scary world of The Forest.

As the countdown towards the Early Access release of Sons of the Forest slowly comes to its conclusion and fans fill up with excitement, discussing some of the things we can expect from the game should help us prepare for the long-awaited release.

1. Continuation of the Original Story

The story of The Forest is full of ambiguity and many fans may have more questions than answers. Players can expect the new game to reveal new information about the world and the mysterious events during the first game.

sons of the forest virginia

The Sons of the Forest’s trailers showed a seemingly friendly mutant that resembled a Virginia from the original game. This may provide a fresh perspective on the mutants and cannibals who inhabit the remote islands.

Of course, there is also the persisting mystery of the Obelisk. This mysterious and ancient-looking machine has a significant tie to the mutants and cannibals. Players can hope that the new game will provide more information about this curious machine.

However, as of writing, we do not know if Sons of the Forest takes place after the first game or will act as a prequel.

2. Improved Enemy AI

Enemies in The Forest are more than just mindless mobs who relentlessly attack the player. They follow a chief, stalk the player, and have the sense to run away when at a disadvantage.

Players can expect that the enemy AI in Sons of the Forest will be more complex. They may have different reactions based on a player’s actions. Groups may be more coordinated and utilize strategies that would make them challenging foes.

sons of the forest image 1

A complex enemy AI system will make every playthrough unique and lead to scary, horrifying, and even hilarious encounters.

3. New and Scarier Mutants

Creepy mutants, such as Virginia, Armsy, and the Worm, made the world of The Forest scarier than it should be. Aside from their higher damage and health, the body horror theme behind their design gave players an uneasy feeling during encounters.

sons of the forest mutant 1

The Sons of the Forest trailers showed a couple of new mutants, including a caterpillar-looking enemy and a giant hand. Similar to the original game, body horror is the main theme for these mutant designs.

Players can expect gruesome sceneries and stomach-turning designs that will make them think twice before engaging the mutant enemies.

Fortunately, the trailers imply that modern guns are accessible in the game, providing players with a powerful range weapon to keep the distance between you and terrifying enemies.

4. Better Building Mechanics and System

The building system in the original game is one of its best parts. Players have the freedom to construct large mansions, sky-reaching towers, and even a giant slide that spans for miles.

We can be sure that Endnight will improve on the original building system and introduce a smoother system that will give players more room for freedom. Perhaps they will allow players to shape buildings freely and not just follow blueprints.

sons of the forest base
Image from IGN

From the trailers, building seems to be much more hands-on since players manually chip off windows and spiked walls. This mechanic may imply the diverse options that the building mechanics will provide players.

5. Kelvin, Your New NPC Companion

Since the trailers showed Kelvin as a companion for the player, fans have been excited to meet this new NPC.

Image from IGN

Based on the information that Endnight has released on various platforms, players can recruit Kelvin at the start of the game. Possibly on or near the helicopter crash site. Once the player recruits Kelvin, they can give him simple commands. They can ask him to carry logs, take and give items, and probably a lot more.

Additionally, players may have the option to recruit other NPCs aside from Kelvin. One of the trailers showed a mutant woman accompanying the player and even defending a base from cannibals.

Virginia snow base

There are a million more things players can expect in Sons of the Forest. Fortunately, the game’s early access release is just around the corner.

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